The Cartograph Maps 2.2.4 update has been released and is available for download. Changes include: (more…) August 11th, 2018
Posted In: Apps, Cartograph
Tags: Android, Cartograph, iOS, MacOS, Mapsforge, OS X, Windows, Windows Phone
We have added a lot of new features and improvements to the Cartograph app with the last updates. For instance, it is now possible to select between dark and light themes with custom colors. We also added support for drinking water sources and live tracking service. The new Cartograph live tracking and track sharing service adds simple means for sharing your location and tracks with a few clicks. May 22nd, 2018
Posted In: Apps, Cartograph
Tags: Android, Cartograph, iOS, MacOS, Mapsforge, Windows, Windows Phone
The Cartograph Maps 2.1.3 Update adds support for clustering of overlays. The following two screenshots show clustering of a crowded area: (more…) April 17th, 2018
Posted In: Apps, Cartograph
Tags: Android, Cartograph, iOS, MacOS, Mapsforge, Windows, Windows Phone
Today we released the Cartograph Maps 2.1.0 update. The update is available for all platforms (Android, iOS, Windows). (more…) March 23rd, 2018
Posted In: Apps, Cartograph
Tags: Android, Cartograph, iOS, iPhone X, Mapsforge, Windows, Windows Phone
Cartograph Maps 2.0.7 is now available for Android, iOS, and Windows. Besides bug fixes the update brings a voice alert feature, Strava upload, RMAP-, and Oruxmaps SQLite support. February 18th, 2018
Posted In: Apps, Cartograph
Tags: Android, Cartograph, iOS, iPhone X, Mapsforge, Windows, Windows Phone
The latest Cartograph Pro 2 app update (version 2.0.5) brings the following new features and fixes: January 11th, 2018
Posted In: Apps, Cartograph
Tags: Android, Cartograph, iOS, Mapsforge, Windows, Windows Phone
We have released an online demo (tile server) which shows different Mapsforge styles directly in the webbrowser: July 13th, 2017
Posted In: Apps, Cartograph
Tags: Cartograph, Mapsforge
We have uploaded some demo videos showing the core functionality of the Cartograph Maps app. Click here to get to the YouTube playlist. July 21st, 2016
Posted In: Apps, Cartograph
Tags: Android, Cartograph, iOS, MacOS, Mapsforge, OS X, Windows, Windows Phone
The Cartograph Map viewer app has been updated. The update brings support for the new Mapsforge V5 render themes, Mapsforge 0.6.1 functions, night mode, basic geocaching file support, visual improvements, …
(more…) July 6th, 2016
Posted In: Apps, Cartograph
Tags: Android, Cartograph, iOS, MacOS, Mapsforge