We have added a lot of new features and improvements to the Cartograph app with the last updates. For instance, it is now possible to select between dark and light themes with custom colors. We also added support for WaterSupply.at drinking water sources and GPSies.com live tracking service. The new Cartograph live tracking and track sharing service adds simple means for sharing your location and tracks with a few clicks.
MobWheel.com May 22nd, 2018
Posted In: Apps, Cartograph
Tags: Android, Cartograph, iOS, MacOS, Mapsforge, Windows, Windows Phone
I am looking for people who are interested in translating the Cartograph app into Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and other languages. The complete translation consists of approximately 650 rows (you can see all words here [pdf]). Please contact me with if you are interested (also include your conditions). I am explicitly looking for users who are using the app or are interested in the app.
Currently the app is translated into: English, French, German, Italian, and Traditional Chinese.
MobWheel.com May 18th, 2018
Posted In: Apps, Cartograph
Tags: Android, Cartograph, iOS, MacOS, Windows, Windows Phone
We have released a demo version of the Camera Controller app for macOS and Windows (desktop). The demo version can be downloaded here.
MobWheel.com May 18th, 2018
Posted In: 360 degree, Apps, GoPro, Photography
Tags: GoPro, GoPro Fusion, MacOS, OS X, Photography, Ricoh Theta S, Ricoh Theta V, Theta m15, Windows, Xiaomi Yi
Our new HEIC Image Converter application for macOS and Windows is available. The heic format is for instance used by the latest Apple iOS devices and macOS versions. Click here for more information.
MobWheel.com May 1st, 2018
Posted In: Apps