The latest Cartograph Pro 2 app update (version 2.0.5) brings the following new features and fixes:
- Added background color to coordinate overlay for better visibility.
- Added Traditional Chinese translation.
- Added option to load multiple tracks at once into the map.
- Added option to delete track folders with content.
- Added option to create a new subfolder if a GPX file contains multiple tracks.
- Added support for track color defined in GPX file.
- Added support for Garmin waypoint icons.
- Added: Confirm stop recording alert dialog.
- Added track category filter.
- Added function to edit the category and folder of multiple tracks at once.
- Added function to merge multiple tracks into a single track.
- Added option to set default track export format (GPX, KML).
- Fixed hillshading after elevation data download.
- Fixed Mapsforge style loading bugs.
- Fixed: The recording track is now drawn on top of all other tracks/routes. January 11th, 2018
Posted In: Apps, Cartograph
Tags: Android, Cartograph, iOS, Mapsforge, Windows, Windows Phone