If you are interested in action cameras (GoPro, Xiaomi, Ricoh, etc.) then please take our survey here.
MobWheel.com March 18th, 2019
Tags: Android, Camera Suite, GoPro, GoPro Fusion, HDR, iOS, MacOS, Photography, Raspberry Pi, Ricoh Theta S, Ricoh Theta V, Theta m15, Windows, Xiaomi Yi
We have released a demo version of the Camera Controller app for macOS and Windows (desktop). The demo version can be downloaded here.
MobWheel.com May 18th, 2018
Posted In: 360 degree, Apps, GoPro, Photography
Tags: GoPro, GoPro Fusion, MacOS, OS X, Photography, Ricoh Theta S, Ricoh Theta V, Theta m15, Windows, Xiaomi Yi
The recent Action Camera Toolbox 1.0.1 update introduces two new camera types called “ACT Camera” and “ACT Remote Camera”. The ACT Camera is a wrapper camera which runs on the remote device and maps a camera (for instance the device camera or another action camera). In the sample video below the ACT Camera runs on the two smartphones.
The ACT Remote Camera runs on the local device (Windows 10 in the video below) and shows all settings and, if supported by the mapped camera, a live preview snapshot. Together with the multi camera control feature multiple cameras can be controlled at once.
The following video shows how the ACT Remote Camera feature works:
MobWheel.com October 5th, 2016
Posted In: Apps, GoPro, Photography
Tags: Action Camera Toolbox, Android, GoPro, iOS, Linux, MacOS, OS X, Photography, Ricoh Theta S, Theta m15, Windows, Xiaomi Yi
The Action Camera Toolbox app now supports the new GoPro Hero 5 and Hero 5 Session cameras. All features, including pairing, GPS, RAW, audio ProTune, etc. are supported. You can download the latest version here.
MobWheel.com October 5th, 2016
Tags: Android, GoPro, iOS, Linux, MacOS, OS X, Photography, Ricoh Theta S, Theta m15, Windows, Xiaomi Yi
The Action Camera Toolbox app is now available for download. The app is compatible with cameras from GoPro, Ricoh, and Xiaomi Yi. The app offers camera control, live preview, multi-camera support, media management, and a powerful scripting language which allows you to realize your own capturing scenarios. Click here for details and download links.
MobWheel.com September 20th, 2016
Posted In: Apps, GoPro, Photography
Tags: Android, GoPro, iOS, Linux, MacOS, OS X, Ricoh Theta S, Theta m15, Windows, Xiaomi Yi
Starting with Mac OS 10.11 and iOS 9 new app store applications need to communicate over secure (HTTPS) connections. With the next iOS 10 release it is possible that all apps are forced to use secure connections (respectively require exceptions for unsecure connections). All our apps for the Ricoh Theta m15 and Theta S models in the Apple App Store have been updated so that they are compatible with these new requirements.
MobWheel.com July 6th, 2016
Posted In: 360 degree, Apps
Tags: iOS, MacOS, Ricoh Theta S, Theta m15