Cartograph is a multi-platform map viewer for online- and offline map formats. It supports the popular Mapsforge offline vector map format (incl. V4 renderthemes), as well as SQLite based RMap and MBTiles.
Cartograph supports alls major platforms, including: Android, Apple iOS, Windows Phone 10, Windows desktop, and MacOS. Besides map viewing, the app supports background tracking (incl. Bluetooth 4 BLE support on some platforms), track editing features, 3D snapshot, live tracking and polling, hillshading, routing, …
Please checkout the Cartograph website and the Cartograph documentation for more details. March 1st, 2016
Posted In: Apps
Tags: Android, Cartograph, iOS, MacOS, Windows, Windows Phone
Endlich gescheite Offline-Maps fürs Lumia 950? Gleich mal ausprobieren – ups, keine Test-Version? Ok, Risiko!!!
Unter gibt es kostenlose Demo-Versionen für MacOS und Windows.