Icon: sampleicon.png Name: My shader Texture_1: sometexture.png Texture_2: Texture_3: Texture_4: Fragementshader: // Variables varying highp vec4 texc; // texture coordinate (of camera image) varying mediump vec2 resolution;// resolution of the camera image varying mediump vec2 mouse; // coordinates of the mouse (finger) varying mediump float time; // time since start in seconds // Textures uniform sampler2D tex0; // camera image uniform sampler2D tex1; uniform sampler2D tex2; uniform sampler2D tex3; uniform sampler2D tex4; // Main program void main(void) { highp vec3 color = texture2D(tex0, texc.st).rgb; // Do processing here... gl_FragColor = vec4(clamp(color, 0.0, 1.0), 1.0); }